I smile and take another sip of my Long Island iced-tea, looking around the dimly-lit room as loud music blasts over the speakers, the catchy beat hypnotizing the crowd as I notice the different couples dancing together, wishing I could at least have a dance with my own boyfriend before we leave.

Adam dancing with Molly, Drew laughing with Steph, Matt hollering and dancing with Trish, Paul grinning and dancing with Stacy, *sigh*...and me with nobody! The last time I saw Jeff, he told me he was going to the bathroom to wash his shirt off--which I accidentally spilled alcohol on--but that was 30 minutes ago!

I watched him as he left, a sudden rush of jealousy sweeping over me as I saw a blonde girl giggling at him as he walked near the bathrooms, playfully brushing against him with her body as she grinned and twirled her hair on her index finger.

The last thing I saw was him smiling lightly, before they were sucked into the crowd--the deep bass of the track cancelling out their voices as I fell into a deep haze--wondering when he'd return, if ever.

Jeff and I are going through a bit of a seperation period right now, we decided to continue seeing each other, but it's his "bright" idea to see other people. I don't really believe in being with two people at one time, but I guess he does.

It was also his idea for everyone to come to this Hip Hop club after the Smackdown tapings, just for a little rest and relaxation from the tiresome schedule of work. I invited Jay, Chris, Drew, Adam, and some girls from backstage to join us--just in case I got bored with Jeff and needed the company of my closest guy pals.

Jay's pretty much my best friend, we've known each other ever since we toured Japan with Chris Jericho and Adam "Edge" Copeland, back in 1997. The four of us all formed a bit of a bond, but I was closest to Jay than I was with Chris or Adam, he's always been there to protect me--sort of like an older brother.

I've always been attracted to the Canadian, but I guess I've never imagined us involved in anything more than a friendship, even though he seems to be perfect for me in every aspect. We like the same music, same interests, same weird ass sense of humor, everything about him is absolutely adorable, I just wish I wasn't attached to Jeff.

"Hey gorgeous...where's Jeff??", Jay smiles--taking my hand and brushing the hair out of my face, revealing my dark honey eyes. He gives me a soft kiss on the cheek, brushing his thumb against my cheek as he cups my face in his hand. I smile lightly and rest my cheek against his soft palm, staring up into his concerned gaze as I shrug, offering him a sip of my drink.

"I dunno, the last time I saw him--he said he needed to go to the bathroom..", I sigh as I reach over to brush a bit of hair away from his shoulders, wrapping an arm around his neck with a smile, "Better!", I return his kiss, softly pressing my lips against his cheek as he blushes lightly with a nod.

He smiles lightly and takes the glass out of my hand, taking a small sip before placing it at the bar and gently taking my hand, slowly leading me over to the dance floor.

"I wanna dance with you..", he whispers softly in my ear, making me shudder lightly as I blush and let him lead me out to the onyx-colored floor, the smooth tiles glossy from the red lights glaring down from above--creating a soft, luminous effect.

I giggle softly--forgetting about Jeff as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me out onto the floor, smiling and waving at surprised glances of our friends.

"Go Jay!!", Chris, Adam, and Drew yell at the same time over the loud music, the DJ scratching and mixing another song over the previous song's beat, as he gets on the mic, nodding his head to the beat as he brushes the mic against his lips.

He laughs, chanting along with them, "Yeah--Go Jay, Go Jay, Go Jay!", he grins and sets the mic back down at his station, returning to the turntables as the crowd picks up the chant, throwing their hands in the air as everyone smirks and laughs around us.

He blushes the reddest I've seen him, well...ever since his tights accidentally came off in a match of ours, haha. The color creeps into his cheeks as I giggle softly and wrap my arms around his neck as I softly whisper to him.

"You're adorable when you blush..", I smile and begin to move to the music, tenderly pecking the outer shell of his ear as he continues to blush, a grin forming on his face as he begins to move with me to the beat, wrapping his arm around my waist as he gently grinds his pelvis against my leg.

I rest my head in the nape of his neck, keeping him close to my body as the music seems to get louder and our moves become more rhythmic, my body swaying against his as I return to looking into his eyes, gently running my fingers through his hair.

He smiles and nuzzles his chin against mine, his freshly-shaven cheek rubbing against mine as I giggle and gently push him away, tempting him to watch as I spread my legs a bit, rolling down the top of my jeans as I keep my eyes on him the whole time.

Damn, he's SO hot...but I have Jeff..., I sigh to myself as he continues watching curiously, raising an eyebrow as I see Adam wink at me and I catch his lips mouthing something to me.

'You guys gettin' a room tonight??', he grins and continues dancing with Trish as I lightly blushing and grin, winking back at him and focusing my attention back to Jay, as he continues dancing to the music, his face one of pure innocence--as a desirable feeling sweeps over me.

What's my problem?? He's supposed to be my best friend and I'm starting to have sexual feelings about him...Jeeze.., I move closer to him, winking and grinning as I press my fingers against my lips and then to his--softly smiling before I slide down his body, dancing on my tip-toes as I spread my legs a bit, gently grinding against his leg as he grins down at me. I move my arms to behind me as I continue to playfully seduce him with a laugh, knowing that he's not used to dancing with me like this.

He teasingly tips my chin up to look into his eyes as he begins to lightly grind against my shoulder, blushing as our dancing becomes more intense, my feelings towards him beginning to become apparent.

I grin and blush myself, slowly beginning to make my way up his body as he pulls me against him, a loving look in his eyes as he smiles and kisses me on the forehead, holding me in his arms as he presses his forehead against mine, giving me a knowing look as I hug him deeply, becoming lost in his embrace as he breathes against my cheek.

I notice our friends giggling as we remain close, continuing to move together to the music--as most observers assume we're either dating or heavily in love, which one just might be true.

I hear the beat totally switch, and the DJ begins to play a heavy bass song, actually--one of my favorite.

I smile as I grab Jay's hand, placing it on my waist as I softly brush against his chest with my shoulder, turning around so that my back is facing him. He wraps the arm around my waist, pulling me back into his arms as I begin to grind back onto him, shifting my hips back and forth to the beat as I hear him gasp and sigh, tightening his hold on me as I push my behind against his hip, pushing back against his groin to the beat of the song.

He slightly hunches over onto my back, lightly smacking my hip with his free hand, a few familar hoots and hollers coming from behind us as I laugh and lean back into his arms, grinning and feeling his hands move a bit lower to my lower hips, moving against me as I hear him giggle lightly. The feeling of his hair brushing against my neck makes me tremble lightly, as he softly kisses my neck, whispering against my ear.

"W-We should go out dancing more o-often!", I hear him laugh softly--a bit embarrassed as he glances over at Adam making googly faces at us, tracing the pattern of a heart with his index finger in mid-air.

I giggle and nod, "Yeah...we should..", I turn around and kiss him on the cheek, rocking in his arms as I feel his arms wrap around my body, pressing himself against me as I smile and rest my head against his chest.

He laughs and suddenly turns around, bending over and shaking his ass to the song, as I laugh and suddenly jump onto his back, spanking his behind with my hand--giggling and falling all over him.

I wrap my legs around his waist, holding onto him by swinging my arms around his neck until he swings me around his body to land in front of him. I giggle and go to kiss him on the nose, but he moves forward at the same time, accidentally banging our heads together.

"Ow!", I wince lightly as he laughs and grabs my hand, leading me off the dance floor and back towards the bar as he grabs his forehead with his hand as well, slightly groaning as we laugh.

"You okay??", he asks softly--brushing some strands of hair away from my eyes as I smile with a nod, reaching up and brushing my hand past his, wrapping his fingers with mine as I rub my forehead where we hit.

He smiles lightly, glad I'm okay, as he gently takes my face in his hands, "You're so important to me, you know that??", he looks down at me with the most sincere gaze, as I softly stroke his cheek--nodding as the DJ cuts to a R&B song, soft and sensual.

I take his hand, leading him back onto the dance floor as I immediately wrap my arms around him, slowly swaying with him to the soft melody as blushes, "Can I have this dance, cutie?", I grin and raise an eyebrow as he wraps his arms around my waist, rocking me back and forth.

"I want so much more from you than a dance, Jay...", I whisper softly, confessing as I sigh and close my eyes, feeling his heavy breath against my neck, making my hairs stand on end.

He curls his fingers under my chin, bringing my chin up to look into his eyes, "What do you want?", he questions softly--whispering in my ear as he holds my body close to his, softly playing with my hair.

I look down and then back up to him, "You...", I smile and softly kiss him, bringing my hands to his face as we deepen the kiss, gently massaging my tongue with his as he holds me tight, craddling my body in his arms as we share the most intimate kiss I've ever experienced.

He pulls away slowly with a huge smile, as he goes to kiss me again, but a voice interrupts us.

"Can I cut in??", Jeff asks with a smile--raising an eyebrow as Jay stutters lightly and lets me go, his face full of embarrassment as he nods, blushing a little and giving me one last glance before he disappears into the sea of people.

I sigh disappointedly, shoving Jeff lightly as he attempts to wrap his arms around me.

"Where have you been for the past hour??", I sigh angrily as he shrugs--running a hand through his hair as he untangles a strand of purple, crossing it with a few blue hairs.

"Jeffy--c'mere..", I smile sweetly and call him closer to me with my index finger, so I can whisper in his ear.

"I know you were with that blonde girl...I can smell her perfume all over your shirt..", I sigh, "We can be friends, but I don't think this relationship is working out...", I playfully scrunch my nose up as I kiss him softly--wrapping my arms around his waist and giving him a hug before pushing him away.

"N-No...Sweetie--wait!", he calls after me as he sighs and gives up, shrugging and watching me flee the club, as he looks down at a brunette flirting with him, and begins dancing with her. Some boyfriend, huh??

*@*A few hours later*@*...

I sigh as Adam leads me to the door of Jay's hotel room, "He's gotta be in there, T..", he winks with a smile as I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Ad...", I smile as he grins and makes his way down the hallway, "--And wipe that grin off your face! I have to talk to him before I'm for certain!", I call after him with a laugh as he shrugs and waves lightly.

"I love ya, T--but you and that dork belong together...I've been telling you that for 4 years now..", he chuckles and shakes his head, disappearing down the hallway, "And don't forget to wear a condom--the pregnancy rate is very high this year!", I hear his giggles fade as I shake my head with a short laugh.

Whatever Ad..., I laugh to myself as I sigh and nervously pace in front of his door, softly knocking as I finally gain enough courage.

I hear slight stirring in the room as he grumbles, "Adam--I swear this better not be you! I told you before--", he suddenly yanks open the door, gasping in surprise as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Hey Jason...can I come in??", I ask softly and look down at his underwear, or should I say his nicely-fitting cotton breifs, though it's not like I haven't seen him in just his underwear before.

"I hope it's not a bad time--", I sigh as he shakes his head, opening the door a bit wider.

"No! C-Come in..", he gulps softly as I smile with a nod, walking in and lying down on his bed, as he shuts the door behind him and crawls onto the bed with me, wrapping his arms around me from behind and snuggling his chin into the curve of my neck.

"Why'd you leave me there?? I wanted to talk to you after we left..", I press my back against his chest as he sighs, a tense feeling washing over me as he fidgets a little before answering.

"I--I thought since Jeff came back, that you two needed a little space..", he holds me closer, as I turn over to face him, shaking my head lightly.

"We have plenty of space now...Because I'm not with him anymore, I broke up with Jeff a few hours ago..", I smile and play with a few loose strands of his hair that fell out of the sloppy bun he tied his hair up in.

"You did?? Why?? Not because of me, I hope...", his face drops slightly as I nod, burying my nose against his t-shirt as I breathe in his cologne, suddenly recognizing how much I notice the little things he does.

"It was because of you...I realized how much I love you--not just as a friend, but...", I try not to cry as he softly pinches my chin, reaching over to kiss me on the cheek.

"But what??", his eyes light up in expectation as I move my hand to his inner thigh, lightly stroking his leg as I choke back a few tears, cuddling up in his arms.

"But as more than a friend, as a lover too..", I tremble lightly as he smiles, reaching down to brush his fingertips against my lips, kissing me softly as he wipes a few tears from my face.

"T...I've been in love with you ever since we met in Toronto--I just didn't know how to tell you...", he smiles lightly--holding my body close to his as I kiss him back, lightly sucking at his tongue as I wrap my arms around him as well, holding onto him for as long as I can.

He sighs and softly kisses me on the forehead, snuggling up with me as he rolls over and turns out the light, the silence in the room covering us like a blanket as I stroke his muscular back, quickly falling asleep in the dim moonlight filtering into the room.

"Love you too, Jay...", I whisper incoherantly as I slumber peacefully, feeling Jay's lips pressed against my cheek as he falls asleep as well, lightly snoring against my ear.


I awake suddenly, rolling over with a sigh as I wrap my arm around a pillow, holding it close to my body and a hug as I suddenly open my eyes.

"Jay??", I glance at the pillow, pushing it away as I sit up in the bed and search around the room with a yawn, listening for any hints that he might still be in the room.

Hmm...Where'd he go?, I ask myself with a yawn, as I glance over at the digital alarm clock.

2:00 AM...Jeeze.., I roll out of bed groggily, pulling my hair up into a ponytail as I walk over to the curtains, pulling them back a little with a sigh--as I notice him sitting shirtless on the large terrace, staring up at the stars.

I smile and pull open the glass door, stepping out onto the balcony bare-footed as he. He suddenly looks over at me with a grin and a whisper, "Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you..", he shifts a bit on the soft, thick blanket, patting the seat next to him with his right hand.

"It's okay...You didn't wake me...I realized you weren't next to me, so I kinda woke up..", I smile lightly and walk over to sit down next to him as I lean my head against his shoulder, placing one arm around his waist.

He looks down at me with a smile and then glances back up at the sky, pressing his cheek against the top of my head as he points at a cluster of stars, "Beautiful, isn't it?", he stares intently, nuzzling the side of his face against mine.

"Definitely! But you know what this reminds me of?", I ask softly, rubbing my hand up and down his back, "That time we all played Truth or Dare in the airport terminal..", I grin and continue staring at the sky as he chuckles lightly with a nod.

"Yeah--I remember. Is your fantasy still making love out on a balcony under the stars??", he laughs softly, resting his hand on my thigh.

I blush lightly, "I can't believe you remembered that! But why do you want to know??", I giggle as he laughs and pulls away, stroking his chin mockingly.

He presses his forehead against mine, leaning over to give me a soft kiss as he gently pulls at a strand of hair near my ear, "Because I wanted to know how we can be quiet...", he whispers heatedly, capturing my lips in a sweet, deep kiss.

I melt into his arms as he wraps his arms around me, delving his velvet tongue into my mouth, completely sweeping my entire mouth with his hot tongue, as my tongue dances with his.

His fingers trail down my back as I sigh lightly, closing my eyes and pressing my lips against his neck, sucking at his tender flesh as he slowly lifts my t-shirt over my head, carelessly tossing it over the balcony with a low sigh.

I gasp as the warm breeze hits my skin, the summer night only inflaming our passion as he rests his hands at my waist, giving me a playful squeeze before moving his fingers down to my shorts, hooking his thumbs into the elastic band and gently tugging them down.

I lightly moan against his ear, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pushes the cloth away from my body, flinging that over the balcony as well.

"Y-You're so damn beautiful..", he smiles as he eyes my body with a gasp, running his fingers over my lower back, making me shiver against him.

I smile and softly kiss him on the lips, grabbing his hands and entwining his fingers with mine as I look down at his breifs and raise an eyebrow.

"You know, I've always wanted to see just what's inside these breifs ever since I found out you wear a thong to the ring..", I grin playfully with a wink as I gently push him back onto the blanket with a passionate kiss to his lips.

He laughs and blushes heavily, resting back on his elbows as I move next to his body, returning to sucking at his neck as I give him a quick kiss, slowly moving down to his well-toned chest, nipping lightly at his pecs as I move lower to suck on his abdomen, eliciting a tiny moan from him.

He closes his eyes as I run my hand over his stomach, dipping my head to take in his strong scent, of Tommy cologne and mango-flavored bathgel, tracing my tongue against his sculpted abs.

He gasps and opens his eyes, watching as my kisses to his body begin to get lower, and his breathing becomes more erratic.

"T--baby...You don't have to..", he contests as I raise an eyebrow with a light giggle.

Considering I've never even done this before, I really wanna give it a shot--especially with someone that means a lot to me, such as Jay. Let's just hope I don't injure him in the process or something..

"I know...Just shhh..", I smile with a wink as he relaxes a bit and raises his hips off the blanket, nodding with a light smile suggesting for me to pull off his breifs.

I slowly slip the underwear off his body as his erection springs free of the elastic band, free from its restraint. He groans lightly and blushes at his arousal, sitting up as his erection proudly juts up against his stomach.

I laugh softly, covering my mouth to keep from giggling as he lightly scowls, "What's so funny??", he gently touches my arm, caressing it with his hand as I move closer to him, giving him a tender kiss.

"Nothing! It's just that you compared to Jeff...well..", I giggle as he blushes and raises an eyebrow quizzingly, "Well, you're much bigger, that's all..", I blush and look up into his soft azure eyes as his face turns redder.

"Ohh, I see...I won't tell anyone..", he winks and holds me close to his body as I smile and slowly reach down to lightly trace the faint traces of hair on his inner thigh, feeling him shudder against me.

"You're such a tease..", he winks with a smile--leaning over to lightly suck at my earlobe as I shrug playfully, squeezing his lips and kissing him as he forms a pouty grin.

"Obviously, you never notice when I do..", I laugh as he protests, shaking his head and attempting to playfully attack me.

"Huh?? When have you ever flirted with me before tonight??", his eyes light up as he keeps a steady grip on my waist, my hand trailing over his thigh to gently grab his erection, lazily beginning to stroke him as he closes his eyes and moans softly.

"Hmmm...Remember that time about 3 months ago when I sat on your lap in the car that Matt rented??", I giggle lightly--softly blowing in his ear as I continue lightly pumping him in my hand, his gasps and groans becoming louder as I pick up the pace a bit, resting a hand against his stomach as he brushes his hand over mine, a glossy look covering his face as he nods, barely choking out words.

"Y-Yeah...B-But there w-was n-no room in the car..", he opens one eye with a grin, "O-Or maybe there was, and you wanted to sit in Jay-Jay's lap..", he chuckles lightly and kisses me suddenly, capturing my lips in another kiss as I slowly pull away.

"I--I wanna taste you...", I whisper nervously in his ear as he closes his eyes and runs his hands up and down my back, "T...This night is supposed to be about me pleasing you..", he pulls me closer to him and buries his nose against my hair, kissing my forehead softly.

I smile nervously and unwrap my fingers from his erection, leaning over and gently resting my head in his lap as I lightly run my tongue up and down his slick shaft as he lets out a tiny cry, reaching down to gently tangle his fingers in my hair as he pulls out my sloppy ponytail.

"Ohhh...T..", he moans as I lightly swirl my tongue around the head of his erection, fully engulfing him into my mouth as I gently suckle on him, his erection throbbing against my tongue as he leans forward to plant tiny kisses against my back and up to my neck, making me shudder.

He massages my back with his fingertips, reaching his hand under my chin and slowly lifting my head up to his lips as he lightly shakes his head with a lusty sigh, "Tonight is about you, Angel...Got that??", he smiles and kisses me on the cheek, slowly bringing his hand up to graze past my chin.

I nod with a light smile as he gently pulls me over onto his lap,